When the MMBA first took effect in 1968, there was no provision for the financial support of employee organizations or unions. Many employee organizations had few ways to convince employees to join the organization and support it with member dues. Thus, the concept of an “agency shop” was born. Agency shop arrangements require employees, as
Erik M. Cuadros
Contact:Read more about Erik M. Cuadros
PERB Exercises Jurisdiction Over Bargaining Units That Include Peace Officers Individually Excluded by Statute and Will Not Consider Affirmative Defenses Based on Undisputed Facts Alone
By Adrianna Guzman & Erik M. Cuadros on
Posted in Labor Relations, PERB
When the Legislature amended the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) in 2001, it gave PERB jurisdiction over the statute, but not over certain agencies, and not over “persons who are peace officers as defined in Section 830.1 of the Penal Code.” (Gov. Code Section 3511, emphasis added.)
In the more than 14 years since then, however,…