This guest post was authored by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore


A key component of Government Code Section 12950.1 (AB 1825), compliance is the provision of preventing harassment training to all supervisory employees every two years and to new supervisors within 6 months of their assumption of a supervisory position.

Liebert Cassidy Whitmore is offering Train the Trainer and Train the Trainer Refresher seminars to provide you with the necessary tools to conduct mandatory AB 1825 training for your agency.

Train the Trainer Seminar
September 7, Los Angeles and San Francisco
September 14, San Diego
September 21, Fresno
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Train the Trainer Refresher Seminar
October 4, San Diego
October 5, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Fresno
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

You must meet the eligibility requirements in order to attend any of the Train the Trainer sessions:

Attorneys will receive MCLE in general credit hours.

Liebert Cassidy Whitmore has been a leader in providing management and supervisory training to employers for more than thirty years.  Our workshops have always met the requirements outlined in AB1825 and we have earned rave reviews for our training programs.

Additionally, our workshops are conducted by attorneys who practice employment law and who bring a wealth of current, timely information and tips into the presentation.

To learn more and register, please visit our Harassment Prevent Training Services homepage here.

To learn how to have Liebert Cassidy Whitmore present a workshop at your agency for your supervisory employees, please contact Anna Sanzone-Ortiz at 310.981.2051.