For the second time in a month, the San Diego Union-Tribune’s Watchdog tattled on a CalPERS retiree working for a CalPERS employer post-retirement. The first incident the Watchdog tapped CalPERS to look into resulted in a finding of illegal post-retirement employment. CalPERS has not yet reached a finding in the second incident which involves the
"AB 1028"
With AB 1028, The Legislature Clarifies The Limits On Post-Retirement Work Opportunities For PERS Retirees
By Guest Author on
Posted in Legislation, Retirement
This guest post was authored by Steve Berliner
As of January 1, 2012, PERS retirees will have additional restrictions on their ability to work for PERS agencies. While AB 1028 affects several different Government Code sections, it is garnering the greatest attention for its changes to Government Code sections 21221(h) and 21224; the two…