Below are our most viewed articles covering pressing issues and important matters. In case you missed them, read our top five blog posts here!
To Be or Not to Be an Adverse Employment Action – What is Paid Administrative Leave (by Peter Brown, Stephanie Lower, and Brett A. Overby)
This principle used to be clear – paid administrative leave was outside the scope of adverse employment action. This was based on court holdings that an employee suffers no substantial or material change in terms and conditions of employment while on paid administrative leave. For years, courts held that an employee who is put on paid administrative leave cannot prove he or she suffered an adverse employment action to give rise to a viable discrimination or retaliation claim. However, what once was clear, is no more.
Common Pitfalls in Using 9/80 Schedules and How To Avoid Them (by Elizabeth Arce)
Many public employers utilize 9/80 work schedules for non-exempt employees. A 9/80 work schedule is essentially a two-workweek schedule of eight 9-hour days, one 8-hour day, and one day off. However, once the 9/80 work schedule is implemented, there are a number of mistakes unsuspecting employers often make which can inadvertently trigger overtime liability.
DFEH Provides Guidance on Impact of New SB 1343 Harassment Training Requirements: Some Questions Answered, Many Still Remain – Including Possibility that ALL Supervisory and Nonsupervisory Employees Need to Be Trained or Retrained Again in 2019 (by Gage Dungy and Lars T. Reed)
As part of the 2018 Legislative Session, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 1343, which expands existing harassment training requirements to lower the private sector employer threshold down to 5 or more employees and to mandate one hour of harassment training for nonsupervisory employees of qualified employers, which includes all public agencies.
Governor Signs SB 1421 and AB 748, Dramatically Increasing Public Access to Peace Officer Personnel Records (by Paul D. Knothe)
On September 30, 2018, Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. signed two significant pieces of legislation, Senate Bill 1421 and Assembly Bill 748, that will require major changes in how law enforcement agencies respond to requests for peace officer personnel records.
Tattoos. Piercings. The Workplace. Like it or Not, the Millennials are the Future Workforce (by Stefanie Vaudreuil)
According to the Pew Research Center, forty percent of Millennials have at least one tattoo and usually more than one. Tattoos are no longer taboo. With forty percent of the current and upcoming workforce having one or more tattoos, it is becoming increasingly difficult for employers to take a wholesale anti-tattoo position. Since the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers are still greatly responsible for hiring and promoting employees, they have no choice but to adapt and change their perceptions of tattoos in the workplace.