On March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-25-20.  The executive order, among other things, suspended certain restrictions applicable to retired annuitants.  On March 18, 2020, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CalPERS”) issued Circular Letter 200-015-20, which explains the restrictions that are suspended for the duration of the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Any hours worked by a retired annuitant to ensure adequate staffing during the state of emergency will not count toward the 960-hour per fiscal year limit.  In addition, the 180-day wait period between retirement and returning to post-retirement employment will be suspended.  Most other retired annuitant restrictions, including the limitations on permissible compensation and the prohibition of any benefits in addition to the hourly rate, remain in effect.


Please see the Circular Letter for additional information: https://www.calpers.ca.gov/docs/circular-letters/2020/200-015-20.pdf

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Photo of Alexander Volberding Alexander Volberding

Alex has spent his career working for and with public agencies. He is a member of the firm’s Labor Relations practice group and has broad and deep experience working with a wide range of collective bargaining statutes, including the National Labor Relation Act…

Alex has spent his career working for and with public agencies. He is a member of the firm’s Labor Relations practice group and has broad and deep experience working with a wide range of collective bargaining statutes, including the National Labor Relation Act (“NLRA”) and the Meyers-Milias-Brown-Act (“MMBA”). Alex is well-versed in bargaining strategy and tactics and negotiates collective bargaining agreements with employee organizations and Project Labor Agreements (“PLAs”) with building and construction trades councils. When he is not bargaining, Alex regularly provides advice and counsel to clients navigating meet and confer obligations and in administrative proceedings defending clients against unfair practice charges and in arbitrations defending clients against contractual grievances.

Photo of Michael Youril Michael Youril

Michael provides representation and legal counsel to Liebert Cassidy Whitmore clients in matters pertaining to employment and labor law.

Michael has extensive experience in retirement law including CalPERS, the ’37 Act, and local retirement systems.  Michael represents agencies in all aspects of the…

Michael provides representation and legal counsel to Liebert Cassidy Whitmore clients in matters pertaining to employment and labor law.

Michael has extensive experience in retirement law including CalPERS, the ’37 Act, and local retirement systems.  Michael represents agencies in all aspects of the CalPERS audit and determination process and in disability retirement proceedings.  Michael regularly represents agencies before the Office of Administrative Hearings and various retirement Boards.  He also litigates CalPERS determinations and disability retirement cases in superior court.  Michael also assists agencies in complying with retirement and health benefit laws, including post-retirement work restrictions, independent contractor status, disability retirement, PEPRA compliance, PEMHCA (i.e. CalPERS medical), health benefits for elected officials, and determining whether compensation is included or excluded from reporting for the purposes of determining pension benefits.