Photo of Nathan T. Jackson

OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT nearly two years ago kicked off the rapid integration of artificial intelligence into society’s daily activities. Today, established tech giants and upcoming startups alike are seemingly adding some level of AI to every product. This developing landscape provides employers with possibilities of both increased efficiency and increased liability.

While the technology

The problems facing public agencies, many of which are struggling just to keep their heads above water, may get much worse in the near future.  The California Legislature is currently debating Senate Bill (SB) 278 (Leyva), which if passed would create new and in some cases retroactive financial burdens and uncertainties for local public agencies

If there is one word that defines this pandemic, it is fear.  While we understand more about COVID-19 today than we did even a few weeks ago, including who may be more susceptible to severe complications, this pandemic still involves a dash of Russian roulette.  It is therefore understandable that some employees – even perfectly