We are excited to continue our video series – Tips from the Table. In these videos, members of LCW’s Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining practice group will provide various tips that can be implemented at your bargaining tables. We hope that you will find these clips informative and helpful in your negotiations.

Oliver Yee
Tips from the Table: Managing The Governing Body During Negotiations
We are excited to continue our video series – Tips from the Table. In these videos, members of LCW’s Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining practice group will provide various tips that can be implemented at your bargaining tables. We hope that you will find these clips informative and helpful in your negotiations.
CalPERS Audits: What Should a Public Agency Expect?
This article was originally published in June 2014. The information has been reviewed and is up-to-date as of August 2021.
It is a common phrase that most in the public sector have heard of – a “PERS audit.” However, despite having heard of CalPERS (“PERS”) audits occurring, many have not experienced an audit firsthand and…
Prevention, Prevention, Prevention! It’s Time to Audit Your Agency’s Personnel Rules
This article was reviewed in June 2021 and is up-to-date.
Prevention of liability starts with auditing your agency’s personnel rules. Indeed, in an employment-related lawsuit, the applicable personnel rule is often “Exhibit A.” Each year, public agencies face changes to employment laws and regulations, best management practices, and internal changes to procedures. Thus, the outcome…
Wage & Hour: Key Issues for Exempt Employees
We are excited to introduce our video series – Wage & Hour Issues in the Workplace. In these videos, members of LCW’s Wage & Hour practice group will provide various tips that can be implemented in your workplace. We hope that you will find these clips informative and helpful!
Governor Signs AB 2257 Updating AB 5 Independent Contractor Law
AB 5, which went into effect January 1, 2020, codified in the Labor Code the “ABC” test for determining independent contractor status that the California Supreme Court adopted in its 2018 decision in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court (2018) 4 Cal.5th 903. Our bulletin regarding the details of AB 5 can be found …
Governor Signs AB 5 into Law Codifying ABC Test for Determining Independent Contractor Status
Yesterday, on September 18, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 5 (AB 5) into law. AB 5 codifies the “ABC” test for determining independent contractor status that the California Supreme Court adopted in its 2018 decision in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court (2018) 4 Cal.5th 903. AB 5 adds section 2750.3…
Independent Contractor = No CalPERS Membership, Right? Not so Fast!
The use of independent contractors in the public sector is becoming more and more common. With rising pension costs coupled with budget cuts, utilizing an independent contractor in lieu of an employee to provide services may be considered a cost-effective approach. These independent contractors can take the form of a “temp worker” or a specialized…
Prevention, Prevention, Prevention! It’s Time to Audit Your Agency’s Personnel Rules
Prevention of liability starts with auditing your agency’s personnel rules. Indeed, in an employment-related lawsuit, the applicable personnel rule is often “Exhibit A.” Each year, public agencies face changes to employment laws and regulations, best management practices, and internal changes to procedures. Thus, the outcome of a lawsuit may just depend on whether the agency…