Scales.jpgIn February 2016, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) issued an “FAQ for Employers” on transgender rights in the workplace.

The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) bans discrimination on the basis of “sex, gender, gender identity, [and] gender expression.”  Gender expression is defined by law to mean a “person’s gender-related appearance

Locker RoomAlthough the terms “transgender” and “gender identity” have already been protected classifications in the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) for a number of years, the State legislature saw a need to provide further clarification to alleviate continued discrimination against transgender employees, as well as employees who may not have had gender reassignment but

This guest post was authored by Connie C. Almond

DNA.jpgThe Governor recently signed into law AB 887 and SB 559, which prohibit harassment and/or discrimination based on gender identity and expression, and genetic information, respectively. 

Individuals who are transgender identify themselves with a gender that is different from their “assigned” sex.  The term