Though it is tempting to move on from the pandemic and to try and forget the deadly illness that started it, COVID-19 looks like it is here to stay in one form or another. As updated on February 16, 2024, the California Department of Public Health reported a 7-day weekly average of 1,882 hospital admissions
"Interactive Process"
Public Employers Dealing with Employees with Disabilities Can Feel Like Being Stuck on the California Freeways
Fans of the late night television show Saturday Night Live probably have seen the recurring sketch called, “The Californians.” “The Californians” is a soap opera, and the characters portray Californian stereotypes, such as poking fun at the way Californians speak and drive and their obsession over traffic. One of the recurring jokes is that Californians…
An Employee Has Raised a Disability for the First Time During a Skelly. What Now?
This post was authored by Kristin D. Lindgren
Employers are well aware that employee disabilities can create mine fields due to the technical nature of disability discrimination laws. Even the most well-intentioned employers can run into trouble. But, what happens when the employer has recommended discipline of an employee, and the employee informs the…
Is Working From Home Really a Reasonable Accommodation?
This was the very question the U.S. Court of Appeals in Ohio was asked to consider in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Ford Motor Company. The issue in this case is whether a telecommuting arrangement could be a reasonable accommodation for an employee suffering from a debilitating disability. In a 2-1 split opinion, the…
5 Resolutions for the New Year
It’s that time of year again to reflect on this year’s achievements and set goals for the new year. With the beginning of 2014 upon us, we encourage personnel and human resources directors, managers and
1. Evaluate Your Agency’s Handling of Disability-Related Issues
Employee disability-related issues are among the most complicated and confusing that employers…
Light Duty Assignments And The Disabled Employee
Courts have held that generally employees are not obligated to make a temporary assignment permanent where an employee requests reasonable accommodation because of a disability. This falls in line with the idea that employers are not expected to create as a form of accommodation new positions that did not previously exist. Recently, however, this notion…
Common Sense Prevails – An Employer Is Not Required To Rehire A Disability Retiree Who Is Medically Cleared To Return To Work
This guest post was authored by Judith Islas
Does an employee who retired because of disability, but is now medically cleared to return to work, have the right to get his old job back? And, does the employer have an obligation to engage in the interactive process and agree to reasonable accommodations whenever a former…