This post appeared in August 2016.  It has been reviewed and is up to date.

CalPERS issued a Circular Letter on July 12, 2016, which provided information on its compliance review process and its most common findings, including employing retired annuitants.  In our practice, we have also observed some confusion surrounding the specifics on

Many CalPERS agencies hire CalPERS retirees for limited post-retirement work to help with overflow or special projects.  Often times, these retirees are the agency’s former employees who are familiar with the agency and the work to be performed.  CalPERS can review these arrangements and determine that the retiree was engaging in unlawful post-retirement work either

Healthcare.jpgThis post was authored by Heather DeBlanc

Under the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) large employer shared responsibility provisions, employers are required to offer minimum essential coverage that is both affordable and provides minimum value to substantially all full-time employees and their dependents, or face potential penalties.  However, the California laws governing retired annuitants prohibit employers