Senate Bill 1421 (“SB 1421”) went into effect on January 1, 2019. As a result, under Government Code section 832.7 as amended, certain types of peace officer personnel records became subject to disclosure pursuant to a California Public Records Act (“CPRA”) request. Shortly after the effective date of SB 1421, Kern High School District received
SB 1421
AB 1599 Seeks To Modify SB 1421, Potentially Further Expanding Public Access to Peace Officer Records Related to Sexual Assault
On January 7, 2020, Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) reintroduced Assembly Bill 1599, which proposes to expand upon Senate Bill 1421 by making more records relating to officer-involved sexual assault available to the public. SB 1421 changed the status quo by amending Government Code section 832.7 to generally allow disclosure of records related to…
Three is Company: Police Departments Usage of Drones and Robots and What it Means for Employer-Employee Relations
This post was authored by Alysha Stein-Manes and Daniel Seitz
Remote surveillance is an area of expanding interest for law enforcement agencies. Police departments continue to equip their sworn officers with body-mounted video cameras (“body cams”), and, in California, the Legislature has begun to regulate discoverability of body cam footage. Agencies in California and across…
Court of Appeal Issues First Published Decision on Senate Bill 1421 and Retroactivity
This Special Bulletin was authored by J. Scott Tiedemann & Lars T. Reed
Over the past three months, since California Senate Bill 1421 went into effect on January 1, 2019, numerous public agencies across California have been involved in litigation over whether the new law applies to records created before 2019. After conflicting decisions from…
New Year, New Laws, New Obligations
This post was authored by Alysha Stein-Manes.
As we ring in the new year, employers will be tasked with implementing new laws that Governor Brown signed into law this past fall. Here is a summary of a few major bills that go into effect on New Year’s Day:
1. AB 1976: Lactation Accommodations