The term “hostile work environment” is used – or rather, misused – so often, that its meaning has become somewhat obscured. In an office full of fans of the local sports team, the sole fan of its archrival may say that being singled out as such creates a “hostile work environment.” Or, in a workplace
"Hostile Work Environment"
The Broad Scope of the California Public Records Act: Caldecott v. Superior Court Affirms that Courts Interpret the Act to Favor Disclosure
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Posted in Education
This post was authored by Liara Silva and Alysha Stein-Manes
Last month, the California Court of Appeal issued a decision in Caldecott v. Superior Court (2015), finding that the Newport-Mesa Unified School District (“District”) was obligated under the California Public Records Act (“PRA”) to release certain documents related to an employee’s hostile work environment…
Coworkers Who Simply Cannot Get Along Do Not Expose Employers To Liability For Hostile Work Environment Or Retaliation
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Does it ever feel like managing the workplace can be like keeping the peace between children fighting in the back seat of the family car? This was the feeling in a recent out-of-state case where a Court held that an employer was not liable for the alleged hostile work environment created amongst bickering co-workers or…