The days are getting longer and the vacation requests are piling up. If your agency uses compensatory time off, or “CTO,” granting vacation requests can be tricky when everyone wants to take time off at the same time.

What is CTO?

The Federal Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) requires employers to pay employees at least 1.5x

This post was authored by Stefanie K. Vaudreuil.

With all the possible leaves of absence that may be available to employees, ensuring consistent and accurate application of the applicable laws relating to leaves can be one of the more daunting tasks for employers. In a recent survey conducted by the Disability Management Employer Coalition

La_city_hwysFans of the late night television show Saturday Night Live probably have seen the recurring sketch called, “The Californians.”  “The Californians” is a soap opera, and the characters portray Californian stereotypes, such as poking fun at the way Californians speak and drive and their obsession over traffic.  One of the recurring jokes is that Californians