Our clients frequently face questions about how immigration laws and policies apply to their employees, candidates, and students. The world of immigration law can be a bewildering jumble of acronyms, statutes, regulations, and policy directives that leave many employers or school administrators exasperated and with whiplash. As practitioners in labor, employment, and education for our
U.S. Department of Justice Sues the State of California Over Newly Enacted Immigration Laws
By Alysha Stein-Manes on
Posted in Constitutional Rights
This blog was authored by Alysha Stein-Manes.
Last month, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit in federal court against the State of California (the “State”), alleging that three laws enacted by the State between June and October 2017 – Senate Bill (SB) 54 and Assembly Bills (AB) 103 and 450…
California Legislation Seeks to Limit Public Agency Activities Surrounding Immigration Enforcement and Religious Freedom
By Alysha Stein-Manes on
In December 2016, shortly after the November 8 presidential election, members of the California Legislature introduced for consideration a series of bills addressing immigration enforcement. Within the series, three bills would place limitations on a public agency’s ability to participate in federal immigration enforcement efforts and collect personal information regarding an individual’s religion, national origin…