Conducting comprehensive and accurate workplace investigations is an integral part of an employer’s duties. Whether the investigation involves allegations of minor violations of policy or more serious allegations of discrimination or harassment, each instance should be carefully analyzed to ensure all the relevant facts are uncovered so the employer can respond appropriately. If left unaddressed
Court of Appeal Confirms No Employer Liability for Supervisor’s Off-Duty Sexting
In today’s technology-centered workplace, employees and employers have more options than ever before on how to communicate. Calling, video-conferencing, and even texting amongst co-workers has become the norm. And with the recent shift towards remote and hybrid work situations, many of these communications are happening from the comfort of employees’ homes. With the lines between…
CalPERS Requires Agencies Provide More Information to Support Decisions on Local Safety Members’ Disability Retirements
On March 15, 2023, CalPERS issued Circular Letter 200-014-23, setting forth new requirements that contracting agencies must follow when determining whether local safety members are substantially incapacitated from performance of their usual duties for the purposes of a disability retirement. Specifically, under Circular Letter 200-014-23, agencies are now required to submit additional documentation and…