Editorial note: On October 8, 2023, Governor Newsom vetoed AB 504. His veto message stated, “Unfortunately, this bill is overly broad in scope and impact. The bill has the potential to seriously disrupt or even halt the delivery of critical public services, particularly in places where public services are co-located. This could have significant, negative

Please note this content is dated. The following blog has been updated in accordance with new regulations under AB 1484:

The California Legislature is currently reviewing AB 1484 (Zbur), a bill that would add Section 3507.7 to the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA). Proponents of the bill hope that it will address an increase in public

On July 15, 2019, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) issued a decision in the case,  Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs v. County of Orange, PERB Decision No. 2657-M.  At issue in the case was whether PERB has jurisdiction to hear claims brought by employee organizations that represent peace officers as that

This Special Bulletin was authored by Eileen O’Hare-Anderson & Emanuela Tala

The Public Employment Relations Board (“PERB”) found that the Contra Costa Community College District (“District”) did not violate the Educational Employment Relations Act when it withheld copies of written discrimination complaints against two faculty members in advance of investigatory interviews.

In Contra Costa Community


This post was authored by Erik Cuadros and Adrianna E. Guzman

When it comes to negotiations, sometimes, as we all know, the parties cannot reach agreement, despite everyone’s best efforts.  At that point, either party may declare impasse.  That written declaration of impasse, however, triggers certain statutory impasse procedures, and could lead to factfinding.


US Supreme Court

Just one day after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Friedrichs v. CTA, California employee organizations scored a second victory. Yesterday, the Fourth District Court of Appeal issued its long-awaited decisions in San Diego Housing Commission v. Public Employment Relations Board and County of Riverside v. Public Employment Relations Board. Both cases challenged


The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CalPERS”) has significantly increased the number of contracting agency audits to ensure that agencies’ practices are consistent with CalPERS’ interpretation of governing law.  At the same time, CalPERS has increased its vigilance in reviewing compensation reported for recent retirees.  Increasingly, CalPERS has contacted agencies regarding compliance with applicable CalPERS

AnotherGavel.jpgOn March 14, 2016, the Court of Appeal for the Fourth Appellate District, Division 1 (San Diego) heard oral arguments in two cases challenging the Public Employment Relations Board’s (PERB) interpretation of factfinding procedures, which were put into place by Assembly Bill 646 (AB 646).  The specific issue in County of Riverside v. Public Employment